Ancestral Notes

My Family History blog

Dec. 10th – Smile For The Camera #19- The Gift “What Do I Do With This???”

Heritage Village 296

That was the question my husband asked after opening his Christmas gift from me a couple of years ago. I couldn’t think of anything to get my husband for Christmas, I was trying to figure out something unique to give him that he could look at for years to come. What was it? It was an old tart tin that I had bought at a thrift store a few years earlier for $2. It wasn’t just any tart tray, it was a blue and white swirl enamelware tart tin, highly collectible and moderately valuable. Well, that seemed like a very unique gift, he said, but he didn’t think he’s get much use out of it. I explained that it was an antique and he could put it on eBay and use the profits from the sale to get a tattoo.

Heritage Village 297

He said, “well, I don’t think I’ll get enough to pay for a tattoo, but I’ll list it anyway”. He was pleasantly surprised when it sold for almost $200. Now he has a tattoo to remind him everyday of the very unusual gift.

Filed under: Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories 2009, Smile For The Camera, Special Events, , ,

Smile For The Camera #17 – School Days

Here is my kindergarten picture, taken in 1963. I was wearing my favourite dress that my mom made, I called it my “beef stew” dress. It was brown, white and orange plaid. I was also wearing my Stanhope Cross with the Lord’s Prayer in it.

Filed under: Carnivals, Family Files, Genealogy, Haines/Hines, Photos, Smile For The Camera, ,

Smile For The Camera 15th Ed. – They Worked Hard For The Family

this photo is of the Taylor farm, Essex, in front of the barn
used for the stagecoach horses, ca 1880

A little history about the Taylor family of Essex, Ontario:
My 3rd greatgrandmother, Jean Taylor, was born in Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland in 1812. Her parents were Alexander Taylor and Grace Duncan. Her family immigrated to Quebec, Canada about 1820. Her brothers, Alexander and John, were born in Quebec after they immigrated. Alexander Taylor and Grace Duncan Taylor’s family settled in Essex, Ontario. Jean Taylor married John McDowell of Maidstone, Essex County. Their daughter, Jane McDowell, married George Fairbairn of Essex. Their son, Robert Fairbairn, married Jessie Doan of Essex. Their daughter, Ruby Fairbairn, married Orville Neil of Paquet’s Corners, Their daughter, Marian Neil, married Earl Hines, they are my parents.

Filed under: Carnivals, Fairbairn, Family Files, Genealogy, Photos, Smile For The Camera, ,

Smile For The Camera – All Creatures Great and Small

This is a picture of my brothers, sister and me with our collie, Bob. Dad used to always say that Bob was the smartest dog he ever saw. We didn`t need a dog door, he could open the screen door with his paw and let himself in and out of the house!

Filed under: Carnivals, Family Files, Haines/Hines, Smile For The Camera, , ,

Smile for the Camera #12 – Noble Life – Rev. T. Neil Libby

One of my many cousins, Rev. Thomas Neil Libby, founder of the St. Leonard’s Society of Canada. Here is a picture of him in front of the first St. Leonard’s House.

Neil Libby (left) pioneered the halfway house movement in Canada; today there are sixteen Society homes and affiliates across the country. Yet, when the first St. Leonard’s House was proposed in Windsor, it was greeted with extraordinary resistance. Neighborhoods and local politicians rallied against the idea of housing “ex-cons.”

They waved fists in town meetings, screamed telephone threats to Board members and wrote angry letters to newspaper editors describing the dangers and risks to their wives and children, property values and business income.

All this, however, only strengthened the resolve of the founding members and convinced them of the importance of their mission.

Over 40 years later, St. Leonard’s has earned this community’s support. Situated in a modest, split-level building on Victoria Avenue in downtown Windsor, St. Leonard’s Society has intentionally kept a low profile to prevent residents from being singled out as they quietly re-build their lives.

And yet, St. Leonard’s is much more than the bricks and mortar of a building. A United Way supported agency since 1968, the society’s services are designed to give back to the community that supports its work with ex-offenders.

St. Leonard’s provides a place to live for those who have been in trouble with the law, and an opportunity to remove the stigma of being an ex-con through guidance, counseling, and understanding. St. Leonard’s also advocates reforms to the social justice system, to ensure that those who leave prison do not return to the community less able to live crime-free than when they left it.

The Society has steadily grown and responded to the changing needs of subgroups such as probationers, young men and women in conflict with the law, and those dependent on alcohol and drugs. Programs have been expanded to include life skills and job placement training, intermittent
programs, and Lifeline, which helps those who have received long-term sentences to readjust to “life on the outside.”

St. Leonard’s Society continues to be active in Correctional Services and frequently makes presentations to parliament and other provincial government groups on issues that concern the incarcerated and released offender. They also organize seminars for the public, and develop position papers on the judicial system.

The strength and heart of the society’s work rests on building genuine one-on-one friendships with the people they serve in a setting of support – a place where they are challenged to value themselves and to actively find meaning in their lives through education, employment and relationships within the community.

The St. Leonard’s Society of Canada continues its work in response to the changing social justice environment in Canada.

Filed under: Carnivals, Family Files, Genealogy, O'Neil/Neil, Smile For The Camera, ,

11th Ed. Smile for the Camera – Bothers and Sisters – Our Birthday Party

My brother and I celebrated our birthdays at the same time when we were little, our birthdays were 8 days apart. Here is a picture of my 2nd and my brother’s 3rd birthday party in September, 1960. My youngest sister at the time was born in September also, but she wasn’t there, she was only a few weeks old and couldn’t have cake yet.

Filed under: Carnivals, Family Files, Genealogy, Haines/Hines, Smile For The Camera, ,

May 2024